Climbing Mount Fuji

Myth and History

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Catch Fujisan’s Sunrise with a Certified Mountain Guide

Japanese proverb…

“A wise man climbs Fuji once. Only a fool climbs it twice.”

Free of snow and almost summer starts the season for climbing Mount Fuji (富士山), the highest peak in Japan (3.776m).

Since ancient times, Japanese have revered this sacred mountain. Poets have celebrated it and generations of artists have painted its distinctive conical shape.

Pilgrims carrying a long staff, have set off from the compounds of the Sengenjinja shrines at its foot to climb the mountain, and reach the crater at its summit where it was believed that the Shinto deity, Asama no Okami resided.

Climb Mount Fuji to admire the sunrise from its summit? What could represent Japan better than its two biggest symbols?

The ascent of Mount Fuji can be done by 4 different routes, each with its advantages and disadvantages, the Yoshida, the Subashiri, the Gotemba and the Fujinomiya.

Our Offer

  • 2 days private tour – All trails (June to September only)
  • Private Walking Tour of the Fujiko Pilgrims’ Trail – Yoshida Trail (April to November)
  • Sunrise from the summit of Fuji, known as goraiko
  • Optional visit to the crater – not available elsewhere
  • Beginner-friendly
  • Soothe your tired body at a uniquely charming hot spring

Rates (group of up to four (4) guests)

  • Upon Request

Please be sure to read our FAQ to see what is included in the tour fee, other details and seasonal pricing.


Adult(s) – 15 years and over
Children – 6 – 14 years