Japan News

Yokohama Triennale 2017

The Yokohama Triennial is Japan's largest contemporary art event,…
31/07/2017/by Yoko

Sushi: The Japanese fast food

It has a chic, upscale image, but sushi has always been fast food. 100 years ago, it was served in large pieces catering to travelers.
03/09/2016/by Yoko

Togyu – Bull Sumo

Little known to most of the world, the country of Japan has its own bull fighting tradition called Tōgyū (闘牛) also known as ushi-zumo or Bull Sumo.
23/11/2017/by Yoko

The Best Yokocho in Tokyo!

The Best Yokocho in Tokyo! Hidden among Tokyo high-rises and neon lights, you can find yourself back in the 70s of Japan, in the so called Yokocho alleys.
30/11/2016/by Yoko

Hanabi – Summer in Japan, the season of fireworks!

Summertime in Japan is the season to go out with friends and…
15/07/2017/by Yoko

Japanese Food Theme Parks

Japan is a food paradise and Japanese food theme parks have spread out all over the country and they will whet the appetites of the food-curious visitors.
15/07/2016/by Yoko

Katsuura Big Hina Matsuri – Dolls Festival

There are many exhibitions of traditional dolls throughout Japan, but Katsuura Big Hina Matsuri in Chiba is by far the biggest Hina dolls display in Japan.
02/03/2016/by Yoko

Tokyo from above

Tokyo is just huge, an endless city, amazing both on the ground…
29/02/2016/by Yoko

Obon: The festival of the dead

Obon (お盆): The festival of the dead takes place mid-August…
13/08/2017/by Yoko

The best “Restaurant” Trains in Japan

At My Japan Guide, we love train and Japan is a "train Empire".…
07/06/2016/by Yoko
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