
The Sacred Deer Capital

The must-see attractions in Nara

Nara (奈良) was in the 8th century the first fixed capital of Japan, under the name of Heijo-kyo (平城 京), as before, according to the Shinto beliefs, death was impure and it was necessary to destroy everything that was related to the Emperor after his death.

Often overshadowed by its more famous neighbor Kyoto, Nara is omitted from many tourist’s itinerary.

However, Nara the ancient capital of Japan, is a treasure trove of historical and cultural gems. It is home to many important historical sites, such as Todai-ji Temple, the world’s largest wooden structure, with its Daibutsuden (Hall of the Great Buddha).

Nara today preserves its main sights much more attractively than Kyoto within Nara Park and its Sacred Deer and neighborhoods like Naramachi.

Many travelers go to Nara to see the statue of the Great Buddha and the sacred deers, but Nara’s rich heritage also spans ancient monuments, some of Japan’s oldest temples and shrines and sacred mountain trails – Nara is the starting point of one of the World Heritage Kumano Trails.

The city’s compact size makes it easy to explore on foot, allowing you to immerse yourself in its unique atmosphere and discover hidden gems along the way.

The main places to visit in Nara

  • Todai-ji Temple – This iconic temple houses the Great Buddha, a colossal bronze statue that is a testament to Nara’s rich Buddhist heritage. The surrounding complex, with its grand architecture and serene atmosphere, is equally impressive.
  • Nara Park – A vast expanse of greenery, Nara Park is home to hundreds of freely roaming deer, considered sacred messengers. The park also houses several significant temples and shrines, making it a perfect blend of nature and culture.
  • Kasuga Grand Shrine – Known for its thousands of bronze and stone lanterns, this Shinto shrine is a picturesque sight. The moss-covered paths and ancient trees create a mystical ambiance.
  • Heijo Palace – Was the imperial residence in the Japanese capital city Heijō-kyō (present-day Nara) during most of the Nara period (710-794).
  • Kofuku-ji Temple – This temple complex boasts a five-story pagoda, one of the tallest in Japan, and several other historically significant structures. It offers a glimpse into the Nara period’s architectural grandeur.
  • Nara National Museum – This museum houses a vast collection of Buddhist art and artifacts, providing insights into Nara’s cultural and religious history.
  • Yoshikien – A serene Japanese garden nestled in the heart of Nara, offering a peaceful retreat from the city’s bustling attractions.
  • Todai-ji Nigatsudo – Also known as the February Hall, is a significant sub-temple within the Todai-ji complex. Perched on a hillside overlooking the city, Nigatsudo offers breathtaking views, especially at sunset when the lanterns are lit, casting a warm glow over the surroundings.
  • Naramachi – Often referred to as the “Old Town” of Nara. It’s a captivating blend of history and modern life, with narrow, winding streets lined with traditional wooden machiya merchant houses.

Our visits and experiences in & near Nara